Thursday, April 22, 2010

Busy Busy Dizzy

I know I haven't posted anything since Quilt Retreat, but I have been so busy with school I can hardly think of anything else. I am focusing on school at full speed, which doesn't always yield good results.

I'm just crossing my fingers that this semester will have a better outcome.

Since I have no time to write, I'm just going to leave it to those who are far wittier and eloquent than I am. This blog always makes me laugh, and I know you will love it.

Hopefully I'll have more time to blog when I have whittled down my TO DO list a bit more.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pure JOY!

I'm leaving in a few hours...............for this

..........................And I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!

I'm excited for late night laughing
Matching shirts
Family bonding
Sleep deprivation
Talia's special "sewing" mood
Making memories

Stay tuned for new photos!

Friday, April 2, 2010


I have always been OBSESSED with Harry Potter. Not in a geeky 'Star-Trek' kind of way, but in a 'I-wish-I-could-ride-a-broomstick-to-school' kind of way. I think that part of this liking has something to do with my freaky ability to remember movie lines after hearing them only once. I have always loved reading the books, and when the movies started coming out, my life only got better. I have recently discovered something that is going to make my life a dream Harry Potter wise. A HARRY POTTER THEME PARK IS OPENING THIS SUMMER!!!!! I've known that for a while now, but today I watched the Ellen Show and was pleasantly surprised, because as I watched, all of my wildest dreams came true. Take a look.

.."Yes, I do have the all time high
score in Harry Potter trivia."

Let's just say that I am already saving up my funds so that I can a) Get to Florida, b) Purchase a Gryffindor Cloak, c) Purchase a genuine wand from Olivander's (after all, he is the best wandmaker), d) Convince the owners to let me move into Hogwarts Castle.

Now all I have to do is wait for the Post Owls to come!