Friday, April 2, 2010


I have always been OBSESSED with Harry Potter. Not in a geeky 'Star-Trek' kind of way, but in a 'I-wish-I-could-ride-a-broomstick-to-school' kind of way. I think that part of this liking has something to do with my freaky ability to remember movie lines after hearing them only once. I have always loved reading the books, and when the movies started coming out, my life only got better. I have recently discovered something that is going to make my life a dream Harry Potter wise. A HARRY POTTER THEME PARK IS OPENING THIS SUMMER!!!!! I've known that for a while now, but today I watched the Ellen Show and was pleasantly surprised, because as I watched, all of my wildest dreams came true. Take a look.

.."Yes, I do have the all time high
score in Harry Potter trivia."

Let's just say that I am already saving up my funds so that I can a) Get to Florida, b) Purchase a Gryffindor Cloak, c) Purchase a genuine wand from Olivander's (after all, he is the best wandmaker), d) Convince the owners to let me move into Hogwarts Castle.

Now all I have to do is wait for the Post Owls to come!


KK said...

Hello! I'm so glad we can be blog friends now. I can't wait to read more of your posts. I love the Harry Potter post. I think I might send Ellen a barrage of emails asking her to send me to Hogwarts.

Riley and Talia Lyman said...

Obsessed. I am obsessed! I literally cannot wait for this! We're going to have to use this as our new scale. "On a scale of one to Harry Potter Theme Park, how excited are you?"