Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Cosmic Question

I have recently realized that my life is a series of unfinished projects. For example, this blog laid stagnant for an entire month before I built up the courage to write on it. (Thanks again,Shawna for helping me!) Even now, I'm having trouble staying focused long enough to get my thoughts down. Just the other day, my Grandpa Collard (henceforth referred to as BAINO) called me, which he has NEVER done before, to ask me if I had started practicing the violin again. You see, I started playing the violin in elementary school, but I haven't played it for a few years, except for a brief time last summer when I was rehearsing for a musical number I was asked to play at my Grandma Spencer's funeral. Every time I see my grandpa, he asks me to start playing the violin again, but I never remember/take it seriously/find the motivation to actually do it. But when he called me out of the blue, I started taking it seriously. As I began TRULY thinking about my life, I realized that I have had, up until now, a problem sticking with things. I think it's because I hadn't discovered my passion in life. My predicament reminded me of a quote from one of my favorite movies, You've Got Mail-

"Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life - well, valuable, but small - and sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around? I don't really want an answer. I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. So good night, dear void."

So, to answer my cosmic question, I have finally found my passion. I have found the thing that fills up my life and makes me want to be a better person. I have discovered what it feels like to SERIOUSLY enjoy going to school every day. I have decided to become an elementary school teacher. and I couldn't be more thrilled! From here on out, this blog will contain the joys and frustrations I experience as I turn this passion into a career. There also might be an occasional quilt post thrown in here and there. (don't worry, I'm not 90 years old, I just really like to sew.)

I have also decided to practice my violin more often, which I'm sure BAINO will be thrilled about.


ericksonslc said...

I love that you are doing a blog! I can thank Shawna for this and I am an avid blog reader so have fun and know that you will have a fan!


Shawna Wilson said...

YAY! You blogged! I am so proud of you... And can I say you did an AMAZING job with tenley's quilt. I still can't get over how cute it is. I'd say that is for sure a passion you are great at! I'm also a violin drop out... boo on us. The last time I pulled that thing out was when Robbie told the primary I played and they asked me to play in the program. Taryn was a baby and it scared her half to death when I started practicing. I can see how it was scary... I sounded like I was in 5th grade learning it all over again!! haha... anyway keep up the posts, I'd give this one an A+!

Shawna Wilson said...


another awesome talent you neglected to mention is your skill for remembering movie lines... old school songs... my vocab words... ya I'd say that is talent!

and I wanted to leave another comment cause comments always feel good ;)

Kako said...

I love the quote from You've got mail. I feel that way a lot! I want to be more brave. That's a cool thought. Glad you started blogging!
See you next week at quilt retreat!
Love, Carol

Amy said...

We miss you so much at our house! Beckett is getting so big and says things like "Su Man". It's especially cute at 6:40 in the morning when his eyes are barely open and then we have to say "Yes, you can wear your Super Man shirt." Can't wait to see ya next week!!

Kristen said...

I love blogs and you are just so funny I knew yours would be good! Keep it up so I have something to look at when I get bored at school:) ALIAS FOR LIFE!

Jeanette said...

I love blogs, I love you so this is a win-win situation for me. Keep posting, I need a little drea in my life! And I agree with Shawna about your abnoramal ability to quote movie/song/book lines... I love you and miss you!

Jessica Lynn said...

Andrea, remember me?? Please say you do, so that this isn't as creepy that I am stalking your blog. But really I love being blog friends with people-it's cool. So, if you don't mind, can we be blog friends?

Also...my blog is named after that quote...are we the same person? Probably.

Christine said...

I've discovered your blog and can't wait to watch your passion unfold... plus I know you'll make me laugh all the time- your such the comedian! This is going to be great!